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Two Amazing Freebies!

The Bleach Tray module and the Bracket Remover module are two little treasures which can be found in the bottom part of the transaction page. After installing the Model Designer module why not head over and add these to your collection.

The Bleach Tray module is the smallest of the Blenderfordental menus and consist of only four menu buttons. It is incredibly easy to use - simply 'paint-on' a layer over the existing teeth and hit the join button. This creates the required spacer for the bleaching gel. The layer is uniform and the thickness of the spacer is fully adjustable. You can then 3D print your model and thermoform your tray sheet directly over the model.

The Bracket Remover is just as amazing. This add-on has had a recent update, and hence you will now find two ways of removing the orthodontic brackets. You can simply mask over the area and delete the brackets like magic, just in time for the retainer to be placed.

Our add-ons are improving all the time.

We hope you enjoy the these.

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